Incoming Students
Students from Israel who want to study in Innsbruck are welcome to contact either AIANI for assistance or get directly in contact with the International Office at there home institutions.
AIANI is well connected within the University of Innsbruck and can provide logistical help as well as advices regarding scholarships, grants and visa procedures.
AIANI is well connected within the University of Innsbruck and can provide logistical help as well as advices regarding scholarships, grants and visa procedures.
Study Abroad at the University of Innsbruck
Students from our institutions in Israel have the opportunity to spend a semester at the University of Innsbruck, Austria. The University of Innsbruck offers a variety of Englisch-taught courses and participants are eligible to apply for a mobility scholarship.
To find courses, please visit:
Course Catalog University of Innsbruck
Help navigating the Course Catalog
Fact Sheet of the University of Innsbruck
German Language Courses (IHD Kurse)
The University of Innsbruck offers intensive German courses every summer for 3 – 6 weeks in July and August. Language classes will take place in the mornings with approx. 15 participants per class. In the afternoon various leisure activities are offered to get to know Innsbruck and the surroundings. The Center for Austrian Studies at the Hebrew University offers every year scholarships to its students to participate.
For more details, please visit:
Center for Austrian Studies at the HUJI
Language Centre at the University of Innsbruck
If you are interested in studying abroad in Innsbruck please contact the AIANI office directly for more information.
What could a semester at the University of Innsbruck be like? Read our students' experience reports to find out!
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