AIANI-Guest Scientist Dr. Consonni held a public guest lecture on “Primo Levi. Language and Survival” on October 21, 2014, in the Claudiasaal in Old Town Innsbruck. The third phase will be an international conference on Primo Levi that will take place in Innsbruck in 2015. This project is organized in cooperation with the Italy-Center (Italienzentrum) at the University of Innsbruck.
Dr. Manuela Consonni from the Department of Romance and Latin American Studies of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem was the third AIANI Guest Scientist to come to Innsbruck in October 2014. She is currently working on a research project with the title “Exophonies. Primo Levi and the Writing of Difference” in cooperation with Dr. Federico Italiano from the Department of Languages and Literature at the University of Innsbruck. This major joint research project is taking place in three different phases, whereas phase one already included a research stay of Dr. Italiano at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem in May 2014. Dr. Italiano led a two-day workshop there. The second phase was Dr. Consonni’s stay in Innsbruck, where she taught a seminar on “World Literature and Translation Questions: Shoah Literature: Memory, Gender, Hybridity”. AIANI-Guest Scientist Dr. Consonni held a public guest lecture on “Primo Levi. Language and Survival” on October 21, 2014, in the Claudiasaal in Old Town Innsbruck. The third phase will be an international conference on Primo Levi that will take place in Innsbruck in 2015. This project is organized in cooperation with the Italy-Center (Italienzentrum) at the University of Innsbruck. Comments are closed.
Juli 2024
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